Feb 282015

nvnl-smallIt is the end of February, the 28th day, the day to tally all the entries, to make a ton of confetti with strips of names, and to wait for the streets to clear enough to get out and have a grand drawing. But the sidewalk was slick enough getting the newspaper, that drawing may well be Sunday instead of Saturday. Then I “only” need to get addresses for those winners I don’t have and mail off a lot of books, evaluate the adventure, and write that up for this blog. But today I thought you might be interested in the results so far of the 27th’s “Tell me what you want.”

Okay, I admit it. the last on doesn’t count. It was my test run.



Choose the book you
wish to win.

Why did you choose the title you selected?

Native Voices, Native Lands Native people and native lands intrigue me.
Bluebonnets, Boots and Buffalo Bones Sounds interesting
Crazy Lady in the Mirror Seemed like me.
Bluebonnets, Boots and Buffalo Bones I am a native Texan.  The cover drew me in and the description of the poems sealed the deal!
Native Voices, Native Lands I know the author of this book and know that he does “clean”; writing. Dixon Hearne choose one of my short stories for his book, Thanksgiving to Christmas several years ago…a beautiful read.
Native Voices, Native Lands I know the author of this book and know that he does “clean” writing. Dixon Hearne choose one of my short stories for his book, Thanksgiving to Christmas several years ago…a beautiful read.
From the Porch Swing – Memories of Our Grandparents Childhood memories
The Innkeeper’s Christmas Eve It is a Christmas book
Native Voices, Native Lands The content intrigues me.
Song of County Roads I’m a country gal who likes country stories.
Bluebonnets, Boots and Buffalo Bones I love reading anything relating to Texas and history. I just love reading!
The Harsh and The Heart – Celebrating the Military Can always find another family member who’d like to see my niece’s work in print!
Song of County Roads I like country music, so country is my choice.
From the Porch Swing – Memories of Our Grandparents I thought it might have something about my grandparents.
Slender Steps to Sanity – Twelve-Step Notes of Hope Because I see the monthly sales report for Kindle versions of the books and see most months this book is sold not only in the United States better than any other but also in the UK and I think of all the people who are benefiting from it and am honored to have had something to do with it.

While it’s still icy, you may continue to share yesterday’s offert and to have a chance to win not only the book you choose but all 26.

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