Song of County Roads


songcoverSong of County Roads

by Ginny Greene

Buy your copy of Song of County Roads for $14.00 U.S. plus shipping and, in Texas, sales tax.

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Meet Ginny Greene and learn more about Song of County Roads.

Song of County Roads was released in September, 2009. Fans of Ginny Greene’s delightful pieces in the three anthologies will find even more of the same in this delightful collection of wisdom, humor, self-deprecating family history, goats, bugs, children, grandchildren, and nature.

Do you have music in you not yet sung? This recombined family took their city tune and rearranged it in a rural setting. To their daily amazement it was no simple melody. Their music composed a symphony of life: Song of County Roads.


Enchanting farms hosted my family while we all grew up together. The farms gathered us in and taught us the lyrics of their Song. These stories wag back and forth between the first in Eastern Washington, and the next in West Texas.

The Cast of Characters, besides myself, are the grandkids:

        Punkin, the oldest,
        Sweet Pea,
        and their mother, Puddin’
        Smiley Riley and his mother, Precious
      and MyKeeper (a pretty good guy – I think I’ll keep him)

My clan approves their pet names. They get to claim it or blame it, depending on whether they want to be the star of the story or pin it on their sisters. This doesn’t even begin to include all the dogs, the barn cats, my goat buddies, the hawk on the telephone pole surveying his kingdom for food, or Lydia the Lady Mockingbird who comes by to chat.

Count in all the critters crawling, stinging, burrowing, nesting, cheeping, and buzzing, who also call our plot of ground home. Together, we sing the Song.